Measurement of alcohol in the breath
We can offer measurement of alcohol in exhaled air at workplaces. We are flexible in terms of times and days and have a great habit of being out at workplaces, and have the capacity to do everything from a few samples to hundreds of samples in workgroups.
We at Visida have chosen to use Dräger alcohol meters for the professional measurement of alcohol in exhaled air. We carry out regular calibration checks on all our devices, and certificates of this are available to our customers. In the assignment, we agree together with the customer and can also advise on the following routines: |
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How do we ensure that an employee is not hung out in an inappropriate way?
Saliva-Drug test extended
Tests are performed using LC-HRMS technology (Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry).
The method has a very high selectivity. Lab: Karolinska University Laboratory. Response time: 2-5 days. In the method, the following substances are detected: 6-MAM, 7-Aminoflunitrazepam, 7-Aminoclonazepam, 7-Aminonitrazepam, Alprazolam, Amphetamine, Benzoylecgonine, Bromazepam, Buprenorphine, Diazepam, Ephedrine, Ethylmorphine, Phenazepam, Fentanyl, Flunitrazepam, Gabapentin, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Ketamine, Clonazepam, Codeine, Cocaine, MDA, MDMA, Methadone, Methamphetamine, Methylphenidate, Midazolam, Morphine, Nitrazepam, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Oxycodone, Pregabalin, Ritalin, Temazepam, THC, Tramadol, Zoplicon and Zolpidem. |
Alcohol markers
Alcohol consumption can be measured through a blood test. PEth, which is short for phosphatidyl ethanol, is an alcohol marker that can be measured in the blood. Phosphatidylethanol is a collective name for the group of phospholipids that are created in contact with ethanol. Because PEth is only formed when ethanol is ingested, measurement via a blood test can be used as a specific marker for alcohol in particular.
PEth values (16:0/18:1) below the limit value of 0.05 µmol/L indicate no or only sporadic intake. PEth values (16:0/18:1) above 0.30 µmol/L may indicate a more extensive, regular intake. PEth analysis should be used as a complement to other information about alcohol habits. Analyzed at Norrland University Hospital, Västerbotten region. |
Analysis of S-CDT is recommended to demonstrate continuous high alcohol consumption. Elevated S-CDT occurs with high or regular consumption of alcohol in the last weeks before sampling. CDT, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, is a fraction of transferrin. Regular alcohol intake disrupts the synthesis and defective transferrin is produced that lacks several of the normally occurring carbohydrate components in the molecule.
Analyzed at the Sunderby hospital laboratory. Liver functions test-ASAT, ALAT and Gamma-GTAST and ALT can rise even after a short-term intoxication, returning to normal values in 7-14 days. Gamma-GT works best when following up on known overconsumption. Returns to normal value in 3-6 weeks. These values can also rise in other diseases.
Analyzed at the Sunderby hospital laboratory. |